H = HOST greeter U = Usher greeter G = Greeter - Front Door
The Importance:
These Sunday morning roles are significant in the life of RW attendees and minister to those not yet part of the RW body. Each role is an expression of love toward all those who choose to attend on a given Sunday. The HUG ministry is
aligned to the RW vision as follows:
UP - Devotion to, love for, and service to God by serving the RW body and others is a worship expression to the Father.
DEEP - Words, actions, and body language are expressions of intentional love toward all RW attendees and cause all to grow deeper in their relationship with one another.
OUT - A friendly face, a warm greeting, attentiveness to needs, and welcoming presence reflects the love of Jesus to all who attend.
NOTE: All Sunday morning ministry leaders and volunteers gather for prayer time at 9:30a each Sunday
Greeter (entrance)
* Primary role is to be the ‘1 st face of RW’ for that week. The goal is to have 2 Front Door greeters on a 2 or 3-week rotation. This is to maintain a constant and recognizable presence at the front door.
* Arrive at 9:25 am – All ministry's prayer and huddle time 9:30a-9:35a
* Wear a name tag
* At doors by 9:40a
* Greet all attendees by name where possible (memorize - staff print roster to assist)
* Visitors - notice, recognize, engage, welcome visitors, get adult names at a minimum – even if the first name
* Direct visitors to Kids’ live check-in, coffee, sanctuary, or host greeter
* Stay at doors until 10:10a
* Record visitor info in office (clipboard)
* Be stationed at exit doors after service as the last song is being played
* Target/catch visitors as they leave where possible, ask if they have received RW gift box (At the welcome desk)
* If not greeting the following Sunday, seek out those visitors you met last week or weeks previous
Usher (Center Sanctuary Doors)
* The primary role is to manage the comings and goings of the sanctuary (chairs reserved in the back for ushers)
* Ushers are the 2 nd or 3 rd touchpoint
* Arrive at 9:25 am – All ministry's prayer and huddle time 9:30a-9:35a
* Wear a name tag
* Side doors closed before service
* Stationed at the center double door (open) by 9:40a.
* Welcome and engage with attendees
* Hand out bulletins and communion cups as needed
* Assist with seating as needed
* Collect offering
* Remain near doors during service to quietly open/close them as folks leave and come in during service
* Assist with communion when necessary
* Open all doors at the conclusion of service
Host greeter
* Be available as a resource for visitors and/or attenders
* Targets visitors as another touchpoint
* Guide parents with kids to (and through) the check-in process
* Oversee ushers and greeters and fill gaps
Administrative Support
* Maintains schedule in Elvanto
* Helps in assimilation and scheduling of training for new volunteers along with Host Greeter or Staff oversight
* Maintains supply needs – (i.e. Markers, Nametags, Giftboxes)